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The registration to the VISPA@Web project is possible with any valid email address. After registration, you will get an automatic email providing a link in order to activate your account. Please use an unique password for this website. Your password is expected to consist of at least 8 characters.

For more details about the VISPA project, please visit our website http://vispa.physik.rwth-aachen.de/ . For any help regarding the registration process to this website or the support regarding the usage of the VISPA@Web project, feel free to contact vispa@lists.rwth-aachen.de.

Using the server the following rules are accepted:
  • the Network Code of Conduct of RWTH Aachen University (English, German)
  • the basic organisational rules of network operations (English, German)
  • usage of the system for the purpose of scientific data analysis only, and take responsibility for files that I upload to the system, change, or generate on the system.
  • user name, email address, and password (encrypted) will be stored by the system.
  • accounts will be de-activated if being inactive for 6 months. In this case, all files and personal data will be removed from the system.
  • for system security purposes, the system administrator can apply security checks on all files, and is allowed to inspect an automated temporary logging of all activities on the system. For 4 weeks the IP address, URL, uploaded and downloaded file names, and the transferred bytes will be kept.

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For support, questions and discussions, please write to following list:



Published on behalf of Prof. Martin Erdmann

III. Physikalisches Institut A
RWTH Aachen Otto-Blumenthal-Str.
52056 Aachen, Germany

Phone: +49 241 80 27330
Fax: +49 241 80 22189
Web: RWTH Aachen, III. Physikalisches Institut A
E-Mail: vispa@lists.rwth-aachen.de



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